
Friday, October 13, 2017

Meet the Latest Model!

7 Quick Takes with This Ain't the Lyceum

It's been a busy few weeks around here!


This little lady was born!

Meet Felicity Anne


I'm hoping to get her birth story written up this weekend, but here's some short stats for the meantime:

Born on October 5
9lb 10oz and 21in
14 hour labor
1st water birth 
2nd home birth

EDIT: Finished her birth story! 


She's been a hit with her big siblings.


Matt has done a great job stepping in as homeschool teacher.
The kids think it's really cool because "Dad's never taught anyone before!"

Not true, he taught college students when he was in grad school, but John and Therese are likely his youngest pupils.

I am grateful we decided to enroll in Mother of Divine Grace this year. Getting to quickly print out a checklist of what needs to be done has made it fantastically easier to hand over the homeschool reins.


I have been making great use out of my postpartum kit!

The surprise rock star of the postpartum recovery time did not even make the original list.

One Christmas my mom gave all her daughters (and son-in-law) YETI ramblers with personalized decals. They are fabulous for hanging out by the lake, but I did get a ton of use out of mine until now.

It has a lid that does not involve messing with straws, and insulated enough to keep things at the temperature I want = perfect for postpartum.


It's getting chilly at night here so we've been having some snuggly evenings here in Minnesota!

The other day we had a fire in the fireplace and made some s'mores. The next morning John informed me that we got to have s'mores because "it was the feast day... of the STAR WARS!....So kids can have s'mores for the star wars." 

Bigger Sci-Fi nerds than I, who would be the patron of Star Wars if you could pick? 
I feel like it should be a Capuchin saint. They already have the Jedi robe thing going on.


I am looking forward to finding our new groove with three littles in the house, but I am also looking forward to getting to enjoy our first true Fall!

My mom will be visiting in time for Halloween and this will be our kids first year trick or treating. I don't want to miss it, but that also means I should figure out a warm enough baby wearing costume.

It's going to be a dark hole of Pinteresting and it'll be awesome!

I might do a Tolkien inspired costume just to get to use one of these amazing Middle Earth themed baby wraps.

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