40 Bags in 40 Days Plan - AKA. Time to Get Ready for Moving!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Even before I knew we would be moving so soon after Easter, I had planned to participate (for the first time!) in 40 Bags in 40 Days with White House Black Shutters.

I normally do some deep cleaning during the Ember Days but this year more purging of stuff felt needed. Now that we are likely moving shortly after Easter, I'm taking the 40 Bags project even more seriously.

Because I'm still my Type A self, I made a color coded themed chart with specific topics for every 7 days of work! I do intend to take Sundays and feast days off. I tried to vary the themes to have some more physical weeks and weeks that were lighter. It's a marathon not a sprint here.

Paper clutter tops my list of things to clean out since it is probably the largest problem to tackle. I think it will have the largest visual impact too. I'm hoping that helps give me the inertia to keep going on the things I REALLY don't want to do....namely cleaning out the kitchen stuff....

Anyone else participating this year? What's the biggest area you want to tackle? What have you been avoiding at all costs?


  1. It's so cool that you're doing this! I've never done 40 Bags,but looking at your beautiful color-coded chart makes me want to do it haha. I like how you're adapting it for other clutter, and not just physical bags of stuff. I decluttered my e-mail inbox a few months back, and it was so nice!!! Hmm. Maybe I should look into doing this 40 bags thing this year, because it'd give me a nice format/motivation to work with.

    1. Glad you liked the chart! I knew that I needed to be able to look at a list and know the plan or it just would not happen. I've wanted to find something for Lent that would create a physical change or creation. Having less (or maybe no!) clutter is a good Lent change!

  2. Wow, I love the color coded plan! Someday I'll do this!

  3. This is such a great idea, and one that you have so well organized! I'm a paper clutter hoarder - and, am trying very hard to lessen that specific type of clutter. Oh, I also hoarde books... but, I did a massive purge of books just a couple months ago when we moved into our new home.

    The perk to being a military family? We do this decluttering/purge every time we move... So, I do this concept every two years! That said, it's absolutely astounding just how much stuff accumulates in a two year time frame...

    1. That is a benefit to military living! I always think I'm doing a good job at staying on top of the clutter but things still manage to build up in surprising ways.
      Books are a big part of my tackling plan! I have so many cookbooks that I need to part with since I'm clearly never going to use them.
