"The Talk" - why you really should get personal- sometimes

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

We are well into NFP Awareness week and a critique I hear sometimes is that this topic is really too personal to be sharing with strangers. For some, this whole week is like a giant social media overshare.

But I think we really do have to talk about it because it is so personal. There is no shared outward signal that tells the world "NFP person over here!" It is way too easy to be ships passing in the night with fellow NFP users. I can't even tell you the number of people who have told me that "no one really uses that" TO MY FACE. Clearly, it is a social witness for which words are required.

I would like to point out that perfect strangers ask me extremely personal questions all the time. 

Like all the time. 

I happened to have had my boy and my girl first. I've lost count of how many total strangers have felt the need to confirm that I'm not having any more kids. Right? Right?!

Don't you want to ask, I don't know, my NAME first? Let's get your mind back on my person. 

And that's really what these conversations about NFP are supposed to be about: getting to know real people living out this very real life, and actually finding it worthwhile.

There are as many experiences with NFP as there are people who use it. Later this week there will be a guest interview on the blog by another NFP couple who have had a very different experience with NFP from our marriage even though we use the same method.

This is another facet of a person that deserves to be heard and respected. Personal questions and conversations are fine, but only as long as they are about the person.

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