Summer is Rocking and Rolling!

Friday, June 22, 2018

It's officially summer, and things are moving fast here! So here's an update on the week, and what to look forward to coming up.


First off, wow, thanks for the love on "That's Beautiful, But It's Not for Me" post!

I did not anticipate that piece resonating with so many people, and it's been beautiful to see your responses!


I did manage to write a short follow up post to give some examples of where this phrase has made space in my own life. I've had some requests for deeper follow up posts, and I would love to but....


...We're about to leave on a 14 hour road trip! With three kids, including a baby!

So I'm going to be a little tied up for a bit.

I'll still be checking social media and email during our trip, and documenting it when I can (because *I* need to look back on these posts to remember!)

We're going to Texas, so if you're in the Dallas area, say hi!


Thanks to everyone who shared their road trip with kids/babies tips and tricks with me on Facebook and Instagram! I'll try them out over this two day trip (and the two days back), and let you know what the winners were for our family.

The kids and I are working on making busy bags out of things we already have around the house, and organizing the car, today. We cleaned out the car the other day and I think it's the travel equivalent of clean sheets.

So pretty!
And it's about to get so filled and messy!
But that's the point.


While I'm not going to be posting here while we're traveling (I think), I will be guest posting over on Not So Formulaic, and I have a piece on Everyday Ediths this week.

So if you ever wanted to read about my take on femininity for Catholic women, or why homeschooling is a gift to our family (goes live on Tuesday) , check those out!


This past week included Father's Day AND my husband's birthday.
That always means fun fancy cooking!
For his birthday I created a dinner out of what I had in the kitchen or from the farm box. The result was cheese grits topped with poached egg and prosciutto wrapped asparagus.

The kid's reactions:

John (6) - *takes a little bite* "Hmm, this is actually quite good."
Therese (3) - *mouth stuffed* "Um, it's DE-WISH-OUS!"

This encapsulates their eating styles well.


This week began a 54 week rosary novena! If you have any prayer intentions, the first 27 days is in petition and the remaining 27 are in thanksgiving, send them my way! I love to remember your intentions, I write them all down in my bullet journal, and it makes me so happy to hear about the fruits of prayer in your lives!

Linking up with This Ain't the Lyceum for 7 Quick Takes.

This is a "catch up" kind of post for me, so what is new in your life? What are your plans in the upcoming weeks? Is there something you are particularly proud of from the last few weeks? 


  1. I really enjoyed reading your recent posts, including the one at Everyday Ediths. I'm glad to have found that blog.

    Good luck on your road trip!! Traveling with kids is always such an adventure.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed them!
      I’m definitely looking at the trip as an extended “adventure time”. We have pretty chill, game for most, kids so hopefully this is more fun than anything!

  2. That road trip sounds like such an adventure! If you wind up nearby-ish us in Oklahoma, feel free to stop by for some tea!
    (and oh man, that birthday dinner you made looks SO GOOD!)

    1. We might at least one of those times! We’ll probably do this trek multiple times in the future. At least once we plan to stop by the reservation in Ponca City and say hi to the family there.
      If you’re anywhere near 75, we’re close!

    2. Cool! I'm not the most adept at reading maps, but it looks like we're west of US-75 (we're in the OKC metro area), so we may not be super close to y'alls route, but we live less than 2 hours from Ponca City-so maybe sometime it will work out to meet partway or something!
